Posts in Economics
Words Worth Noting - June 7, 2023

“unlike traditional commodities, which sometimes during the course of their market exchange must be delivered to someone in physical form, the carbon market is based on the lack of delivery of an invisible substance to no one.”

Mark Schapiro (apparently) in Harper’s in early 2010 [I found it here but the link back to Harper’s is broken, as is a similar link in another piece quoting it; perhaps Harper’s pulled it; this piece attributes it to Mark Schapiro:].

Words Worth Noting - May 17, 2023

“We have been driven into a widespread system of arbitrary and tyrannical control over our economic life not because ‘economic laws are not working the way they used to,’ not because the classical medicine cannot, if properly applied, halt inflation, but because the public at large has been led to expect standards of performance that as economists we do not know how to achieve.”

Milton Friedman’s 1971 address to American Economic Association quoted in Leonard Silk The Economists