Posts in Environment
Hey hey, ho ho, illegal blockades have got to go

In my latest National Post column I say if you don’t like people blocking access to hospitals and shouting at health care workers in over-the-top frustration, and I don’t, you must not excuse illegal “direct action” when you do support the cause.

Robson on The Nemeth Report on the Red-Green Menace

Dr. Tammy Nemeth, of the “Nemeth Report” on international activists’ campaign against Alberta oil, interviewed me for her podcast on the Chinese Communist Party’s exploitation of western concerns about climate to further its sinister geopolitical ambitions.

A Power Hour on China

On Alex Epstein’s “Power Hour” podcast we had an extended discussion of China’s geopolitical ambitions and how the Western obsession with “Net Zero” plays into the hands of a Politburo all too happy to keep using fossil fuels while we cripple ourselves by discarding them.