In my latest Epoch Times column I say our constitution has deteriorated so far into populism that elections are no longer about issues, only who gets unchecked power until the next vote.
Dr. Tammy Nemeth, of the “Nemeth Report” on international activists’ campaign against Alberta oil, interviewed me for her podcast on the Chinese Communist Party’s exploitation of western concerns about climate to further its sinister geopolitical ambitions.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the idea of national strategies where governments reform citizens is bad, including if one targets “Islamophobia”.
In my latest National Post column I say with increasing rates of vaccination and between waves, we should have a relaxed and rational discussion about when, if and why we’d go into another lockdown.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the difficulty people have condemning calls for churches to burn is a worrying sign of our rapid descent into a vindictive and pitiless neopagan mindset.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I confront Amazon about its dysfunctional dependence on Chinese manufacturers and their Communist overlords.
“The [French] Revolution appealed to the idea of an abstract and eternal justice, beyond all local custom or convenience. If there are commands of God, then there must be rights of man. Here Burke made his brilliant diversion… the modern argument of scientific relativity; in short, the argument of evolution. He suggested that humanity was everywhere molded by or fitted to its environment and institutions; in fact, that each people practically got, not only the tyrant it deserved, but the tyrant it ought to have. ‘I know nothing of the rights of men,’ he said, ‘but I know something of the rights of Englishmen.’ There you have the essential atheist.”
G.K. Chesterton What’s Wrong with the World
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the Trudeau administration’s attack on the rights of Parliament is no less dangerous for being the result of arrogant ignorance not clever conspiracy.