In my latest National Post column I honour all those who answered the call because, as the Duke of Wellington said after Waterloo, the only thing worse than a battle won is a battle lost.
In my latest Epoch Times column I reflect for Remembrance Day on the moving ritual of sounding the Last Post at the Menin Gate every single night for 77 years and counting.
In my latest piece for NP Platformed (subscription only, so please get one if you haven’t already) I deplore the tendency of courts to uphold breaches of our rights on sociological not legal grounds.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the answer to declining social trust, including on COVID lockdowns and vaccines, isn’t to shame and silence people, it’s to have an intelligent and respectful discussion. Which apparently now makes me a kook.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say that early efforts to shut down debate over the increasingly plausible man-made origins of COVID just underline why free speech is important… at the very moment that Google and YouTube move on to efforts to suppress free debate on climate change.
“Once the memory of the past grows dim, we will forget who we are and why we exist as a people. Poised ready to relish the pleasure of the moment, without regard for how we became a free society, we risk losing all.”
Solveig Eggerz in Joseph Baldacchino Educating for Virtue
“‘The effect of liberty to individuals is, that they may do what they please,’ wrote Edmund Burke, the hero of American conservatives, ‘we ought to see what it will please them to do, before we risk congratulations.’”
David Frum Dead Right
In my latest National Post column I say if you don’t like people blocking access to hospitals and shouting at health care workers in over-the-top frustration, and I don’t, you must not excuse illegal “direct action” when you do support the cause.