In my latest National Post column I accuse many critics of Israel, including in the press, of ignoring that the source of the violence is anti-Semitism, and in doing so of being complicit in it.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I praise Biden’s willingness to stand up to Russia and China, but condemn his belief that it requires adopting much of their big-government philosophy.
In my latest National Post column I say the Liberals’ plan to censor social media is an unpalatable blend of arrogance and cluelessness.
“I have a worldview, of a sort, and a wider concern. But politics begins at home. The immediate business, and the one that one might hope to understand, is not to reform the world or save mankind, but to make decisions relative to Australia’s immediate needs.”
“Politics” in “A Plot Unmasked” in Leonie Kramer, ed., James McAuley: Poetry, essays and personal commentary
On Alex Epstein’s “Power Hour” podcast we had an extended discussion of China’s geopolitical ambitions and how the Western obsession with “Net Zero” plays into the hands of a Politburo all too happy to keep using fossil fuels while we cripple ourselves by discarding them.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I try to explain to the smart set that Putin is “testing” Biden over Ukraine to see whether he can get away with attacking it.
“In 1945... the vaunted thousand-year rule of the Third Reich came to a brutal end. Great cities lay in ruins. Millions were exterminated; millions more were displaced and starving. A demon in human flesh had put the whole apparatus of the modern state to work to eradicate God’s people. The last victim of every murderous demon is its human host, so staying true to Satanic form, in the final days of war, Hitler and his leading Nazi henchman pulled the trigger on their own demise.”
David Kitz Psalms Alive!
In my latest National Post column I say the astounding outburst of rudeness from Communist China’s diplomats has very little to do with China and a whole lot to do with Communism.