In my latest National Post column I call for environmental action at the yard level, allowing a micro “rewilding” return of nature to our cities in the form of flowers, bugs, birds and healthy soil.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the difficulty people have condemning calls for churches to burn is a worrying sign of our rapid descent into a vindictive and pitiless neopagan mindset.
“If man does find a solution to world peace, it will be the most revolutionary reversal of his record we have ever known.”
George Marshall, quoted in Kenneth Adelman The Great Universal Embrace
In my latest National Post column I express enthusiasm for freedom in Cuba… and Canada.
In The Interim I reflect on classic books on the vital topic of citizenship only to realize I can’t think of any.
“A very honest atheist with whom I once debated made use of the expression, ‘Men have only been kept in slavery by the fear of hell.’ As I pointed out to him, if he had said that men had only been freed from slavery by the fear of hell, he would at least have been referring to an unquestionable historical fact.”
G.K. Chesterton in St. Francis of Assisi, quoted in Gilbert! magazine Vol. 4 # 6 (April/May 2001)
In my latest Loonie Politics column I confront Amazon about its dysfunctional dependence on Chinese manufacturers and their Communist overlords.
“It is not only that man wants to be free; it is that he must have pride in his work and be fairly recompensed for its value – or sooner rather than later he will simply cease to be productive no matter what pressures are applied to make him work.”
Thibaut de Saint Phalle, Trade, Inflation, and the Dollar