In my latest National Post column I say that if climate-panic-driven energy policy helped create frightening geopolitical vulnerability, any adults in the room should reconsider not just irrational opposition to nuclear energy but whether there’s really a man-made global warming crisis at all.
In my latest Epoch Times column I ask whether the shock of Russia invading Ukraine, and the mostly commendable Western response, will make Canadians and their governments more serious about defence spending and therefore about budgeting generally.
“D is a very weak-minded fellow I am afraid and, like the feather pillow, bears the marks of the last person who has sat on him.”
“Lord Haig” re “Lord Derby” in 1918, quoted by Mark Steyn in the Daily Telegraph August 1, 2004
“If it came as a surprise to Khrushchev, why wouldn’t it come as a surprise to me?”
Soviet scholar Adam Ulam when asked why he didn’t predict Khrushchev's downfall in 1964, quoted in Globe & Mail April 1, 2000
In my latest National Post column, while acknowledging the world-historic greatness of Justin Trudeau now that he has emergency powers, I ask whether our governments’ manifest incapacity to do even simple things including fixing health care derives from having long ago substituted make-believe for serious thought.
In my latest Epoch Times column I ask whether a government invoking emergency powers over protest crowdfunding has any interest in getting after literally hundreds of billions in dirty money being laundered in plain sight in Canada.
“The only proposals in the senate that I have seen fit to mention are particularly praiseworthy or particularly scandalous ones. It seems to me a historian’s foremost duty to ensure that merit is recorded, and to confront evil words and deeds with the fear of posterity’s denunciation.”
Publius Cornelius Tacitus The Annals of Imperial Rome
In my latest National Post column I ask how I, of all people, could be a lonely voice of balanced reason on the truckers’ protests.