“The improvements in transportation do not cut down travelling time but merely increase the area over which people have to travel."
Bertrand Russell, quoted as "Thought du jour" in "Social Studies" in Globe & Mail December 12, 2003
“The improvements in transportation do not cut down travelling time but merely increase the area over which people have to travel."
Bertrand Russell, quoted as "Thought du jour" in "Social Studies" in Globe & Mail December 12, 2003
“I prefer to regard the sun merely in the light of a strange star that has startled me by visiting my garden in the middle of summer.”
G.K. Chesterton in “On the Solar System” in All I Survey, quoted by James V. Schall S.J. in Gilbert Magazine Vol. 16 # 1-2 (September-October 2012)
“Being for or against a natural phenomenon is a waste of time and mental energy.”
Michael Rothschild Bionomics: The Inevitability of Capitalism (which he considers a natural phenomenon)
Here’s a long-overdue link to a talk I gave at RCMI in March on how Canada’s traditional neglect of national security is even more dangerous than usual in a high-tech world.