In my latest National Post column I ask whether we couldn’t keep just one platform for the cutesy puppy pix and confine the rage and messaging to the entire rest of the Internet.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say it’s time to take a frank look at what worked and what didn’t in our response to SARS-CoV-2, with the “shut up and mask” consensus that no one should ask questions in a crisis definitely in the latter category.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say Bill C-10 is just part of a larger push to limit Canadians’ speech by politicians who, of all things, don’t believe in free speech.
In my latest National Post column I once again use the front page of the newspaper to show the hazards, across a broad range of issues, of entrusting power to sanctimonious fools instead of competent well-rounded people with common sense.
In my latest Epoch Times column I ask how our federal health minister, more than a year into the pandemic, can have neither a clue nor a cover story about what will be permitted once we get vaccinated.
In my latest National Post column, I say the Prime Minister’s real problem in fighting to keep Enbridge 5 open is that he actually believes fossil fuels are worse than useless.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I praise Biden’s willingness to stand up to Russia and China, but condemn his belief that it requires adopting much of their big-government philosophy.
In my latest National Post column I say the Liberals’ plan to censor social media is an unpalatable blend of arrogance and cluelessness.