Posts in Environment
My new documentary online

The Environment: A True Story is now available on YouTube in shorter chapters as well as the full film. I'm pleased to say the complete documentary has already had over 1200 views in just over a week which for a 160 minute feature is very satisfying.

For those who find it more convenient to watch (or easier to keep track of where you've gotten to in it) in shorter segments it's also now posted as a YouTube playlist.

Riding the storm rhetorically not scientifically

In my latest National Post column I say blaming a recent increase in severe storms on man-made global warming is nonsense not because the explanation is wrong in its details but because there hasn't been an increase in severe storms to explain in the first place.

For more useful facts and logical theories about the climate see my new documentary The Environment: A True Story.

The Environment: A True Story is told

With great pleasure I announce the release of my latest documentary. The Environment: A True Story compares the claims of global warming alarmists with widely accepted facts about the past history and present state of the Earth.

Thanks to hundreds of backers who made it possible, it is now available free on YouTube. Backers should hear from me shortly about getting their copies. If you didn't back the project but would like to purchase a high-res ad-free digital copy or order a DVD it will soon be possible via my online store.

Thanks again to everyone who made it possible.


Wish I'd said that - July 28, 2017

“Now, observant Jews and Muslims have strict laws governing their diets, but Christians generally do not. Yet here we were, discovering a hidden connection between fidelity to our religion’s demands and the kind of food we ate. As we came to see in time, the separation between our political and moral convictions and the lifestyle choices we made was by and large an illusion. Just as ideas have consequences, so do actions.”

Rod Dreher Crunchy Cons (on discovering that a healthier diet made Catholic family planning work better by making his wife's cycle more normal)