In my latest Epoch Times column I denounce the enduring capacity of politicians to be surprised by predictable developments and then unable to cope with them.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say Patrick Brown’s claim to be a “pragmatic” conservative actually means voters have no idea what he would do if elected and neither does he… like an amazingly long line of political figure prone to boasting of their mental and moral hollowness..
In my latest Epoch Times column I argue that the painfully visible vulnerability of our electric grid is due to politicians and bureaucrats who increasingly think we should be grateful that they let us pay high prices for lousy infrastructure and other public services.
In my latest Epoch Times column I explain why I didn’t berate a guy over Ukraine just because he had a Russian accent.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the federal Tory leaders’ debate on Friday May 5 was surprisingly revealing… and had a surprising winner.
In my latest Epoch Times column I denounce the Canadian Forces’ proposed plan for military chaplains as an Orwellian project in which uniformity is diversity, exclusion is inclusion and freedom is slavery.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say inflation isn’t a conspiracy run out of Davos and the conservatives don’t have a hidden agenda and climate skeptics aren’t in the pay of Big Oil and nobody can be bothered plotting against you nor could they if they tried because the people in power are just as muddled as they appear to be.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the feds allocating $15 billion in their latest budget to tell entrepreneurs how to be smart and original reveals a deep-seated and fatuous confidence in government.