Posts in Famous quotes
Words Worth Noting - August 13, 2024

“Why, unhappy man, do you thus take pains to exonerate fortune of your heaviest charge against her, by conduct that will make it seem that you are not unjustly in calamity, and that it is not your present condition, but your former happiness, that was more than your deserts? And why depreciate also my victory, and make my conquests insignificant, by proving yourself a coward, and a foe beneath a Roman?”

Aemilius Paulus to Perseus when the latter abased himself in defeat, according to Plutarch’s Lives I

Words Worth Noting - August 8, 2024

“There followed a long and intricate rivalry for leadership between the various Anglo-Saxon kings which occupied the seventh and eighth centuries. It was highly important to those whose span of life was cast in that period, but it left small marks on the subsequent course of history.”

Winston Churchill A History of the English-Speaking Peoples A One-Volume Abridgement by Christopher Lee