In my latest National Post column, I say Western leaders’ calls for Israel not to retaliate for Iran’s blatant act of war amounts to “Free hits on Jews” and is disgusting, cowardly and a recipe for disaster.
“Human blunders usually do more to shape history than human wickedness.”
A. J. P. Taylor, quoted in Globe & Mail January 20, 2003
In my latest Epoch Times column, I advise Canada’s hapless foreign minister on dealing with real, actual, menacing tyrants who don’t share her amorphous woke attitudes.
“History presents us with two kinds of leaders, those who did more harm than good, and those whose names we can’t remember.”
David Warren in Ottawa Citizen January 2, 2000
“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
Edward R. Murrow according to an email from a friend, also supported here:
“in Nisga’a culture, we believe that this pole is alive with the spirit of our ancestors.”
An aboriginal chief regarding a totem pole repatriated from a Scottish museum, quoted in National Post August 29, 2023
“a simplistic great-fool theory of history.”
Peter H. Russell, Constitutional Odyssey: Can Canadians Be a Sovereign People? [re people blaming Mulroney’s ambition to outdo Pierre Trudeau for the Meech Lake debacle]
“He will not go far who knows from the first where he is going.”
Napoleon at the beginning of his career, according to George Gilder Wealth and Poverty [though actually Napoleon’s career rather gives me the impression of frantic energy without sensible goals].