In my latest National Post column I say Erin O’Toole’s boast about being pragmatic and moderate amounts to saying he has no convictions and cannot be counted on by anyone for anything, and trying to make it sound like an achievement. But it’s not.
“a lion can spot a limp.”
Quoted in an email from a reader this fall, on the subject of foreign policy but sourced to “something I heard an ex-convict say about the danger of exhibiting weakness in prison.”
In my latest Epoch Times column, I say recent revelations about national security breaches and governmental nonchalance ought to worry Canadians a lot more than they apparently do.
“This sort of people are so taken up with their theories about the rights of man that they have totally forgotten his nature.”
Edmund Burke on French Revolutionaries, quoted in Robert Bork The Tempting of America (and also though slightly less completely in William D. Gairdner Constitutional Crack-Up)
In my latest National Post column I say the puzzling inability even of many high-tech firms to provide a PDF version of the paper manual they put in the box suggests we’re struggling with the green digital economy of the 21st century.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the casual and inconsistent way governments keep shutting down our lives betrays their conceited conviction that we weren’t doing anything important anyway.
“After my warning order to the company that we would be moving off in a couple of hours I said that I was going to the communion service first. I set off by myself. Half-way there, I looked back to see if anyone else was coming and found to my surprise that virtually the whole company was following me in single file.”
My high school English teacher Stewart Bull, then a major and company commander with the Essex Scottish in Normandy in July 1944 (from his unpublished memoir Happy Warrior: Adventures in the Classroom).
“Human rights cannot exist without God.”
Montes de Oca, a Cuban dissident and Pentecostal, in an interview with Jay Nordlinger quoted by Nordlinger in National Review June 11, 2001