Posts in International
I pledge allegiance to myself, and to the ego for which I stand

In my latest Epoch Times column I say the proposal to exempt Quebec MNAs from an oath of allegiance to our actual Constitution in favour of some pompous make-believe is a dangerous relativist attack on the rule of law.

Words Worth Noting - December 3, 2022

“More than 1,500 pieces of graffiti were preserved in Pompeii when that Roman city was buried in volcanic ash 1,922 years ago. They include: ‘Aufidius was here.’ ‘Marcus loves Spendusa.’ ‘I am amazed, O wall, that you have not collapsed and fallen, since you must bear the tedious stupidities of so many scrawlers.’ Source: The Washington Post.”

Globe & Mail July 12, 2001 p. A16

Words Worth Noting - December 1, 2022

“But history is no respecter of Congresses. For some reason or other (it may be an historical law, which thus far has escaped the attention of the scholars) ‘nations’ seemed to be necessary for the orderly development of human society and the attempt to stem this tide [post-1815] was quite as unsuccessful as the Metternichian effort to prevent people from thinking.”

Hendrik Van Loon The Story of Mankind