In my latest National Post column I say the proliferation of political "fake news" is party due to a proliferation of fake news everywhere.
With regret I have decided no longer to contribute my “It Happened Today” pieces to Rebel Media.
I very much appreciate what Ezra Levant and others in the organization have done to challenge conventional wisdom and defy political correctness and am grateful for the opportunity to be part of it. But I now find the tone too unconstructive and think The Rebel has drifted too far from its mission of covering the news from a refreshing perspective.
If you enjoy the “It Happened Today” feature please contribute on my website if you are not already a backer and we will continue to publish them.
In my latest National Post column I say the horrific fire in London's Grenfell Tower happening in public housing is a powerful warning against putting too much faith in government.
In my latest National Post column I praise Prince Philip for his character, modesty and acid wit, three things the modern world needs badly.
In my latest National Post column I say if the Senate can write silly patronizing children's books for adults, I can too. Please send me money.
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." Marcus Aurelius
"No one can possibly say where the historian’s work ceases, and the journalist’s begins. The present is continuously in process of becoming the past: the frontier of history ends only with yesterday’s newspaper. A good journalist casts anxious and inquiring glances over his shoulder, and a good historian lifts his eyes from the page to look at the world around him…. Thucydides was writing not merely a history but an anguished record of contemporary events, in which he had acted and suffered…. Walter Raleigh, in his History of the World, was directing a gigantic and angry editorial to the subjects of James I." Paul Johnson The Offshore Islanders
Just how high are carbon taxes going to go in Canada? Fasten your seatbelt... in a car you can't put gas into. The federal Liberals are only talking soothingly about carbon taxes of $10/tonne, rising to $50 by 2022. But now the National Post reveals that in fact they know their targets would require $100/tonne within 3 years, and $300 by 2050. Meaning the virtual end of heating your home, cooking your food or getting around with any technology we actually have. It shouldn't really come as a surprise. Both the BC and Ontario governments are entirely open about their plans to reduce CO2 and equivalent emissions by nearly 80% by 2050. Which doesn't just spell doom for oil and gas producers. It means you, your kids and your grandkids will be ordered by government to use 80% less oil, gas and natural gas, necessarily requiring prohibitive taxes, strict regulations or probably both, and leading to a desperately impoverished lifestyle.
Now let me be clear here. If the "man-made global warming" or more recently "man-made climate change" crisis is as bad as the alarmists say, no price is too high to stop it. Not that their plans would, but that's another story. The point here is that you cannot concede the extremists' science then try to fight the carbon tax on the basis of jobs lost. If you agree that we are destroying the planet with CO2, you must agree to drastic measures to change our behaviour. You cannot, as conservatives too often do in this country and elsewhere, try to rally the troops round the white flag. To surrender on principle then fight on implementation makes you look like greedy fools, willing to incinerate the planet for short-term gain. Not a good PR strategy.
That's why The Environment: A True Story is so urgently needed. If I believed the alarmists' claims, I would be urging an end to fossil fuel use and what's more I would refuse to use the stuff myself. But the science is appallingly full of holes. And if we don't want to succumb to bad policy driven by bad science and wrapped in deceptive PR, we need to set the record straight.
So make a pledge today. And share it as widely as you can: the short link for social media is