In my contribution to the National Post’s 20th anniversary section, I celebrate the freedom the paper has given its writers to express conservative opinions and respect the intelligence of our readers.
In my latest National Post column I celebrate Meghan Markle’s pregnancy as the sort of happy thing we need more of in the world, our lives and the newspapers.
"The truth is that I care more for my dog, donkey, and garden in the little English village where we live than for all the publicity in the world."
Frances Chesterton (GKC's wife), "to an American reporter during one of G.K.’s lecture tours”, quoted by Therese Warmus in Gilbert Magazine Vol. 8 #4 (Jan.-Feb. 2005)
“Reading this column was like eating a chocolate-covered lemon: sweet on the outside, but terribly bitter when you bite down.”
Letter from Jill Woodley of Ottawa in Ottawa Citizen November 14, 2004 [not about one of my columns]
"Nothing is so remote from us as the thing which is not old enough to be history and not new enough to be news."
G.K. Chesterton in Illustrated London News January 27, 1923, quoted in Gilbert! magazine Vol. 4 # 4 (Jan./Feb. 2001)