In my latest Loonie Politics column I confront Amazon about its dysfunctional dependence on Chinese manufacturers and their Communist overlords.
“Napoleon had everything men usually crave – glory, power, riches – yet he said at St Helena: ‘I have never known six happy days in my life’; while Helen Keller – blind, deaf, dumb – declared, ‘I have found life so beautiful.’ If half a century of living has taught me anything at all, it has taught me that ‘Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.’”
Dale Carnegie How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
“They hate and detest war as a thing manifestly brutal, and yet practised by man more constantly than by any kind of beast.”
Thomas More Utopia
On June 16 I was on Global News Radio 640 with Alex Pierson and John Mraz to discuss various current public affairs follies.
“I didn’t know of anybody in my entire platoon that wanted to kill, who ever killed before.”
Robert Santos in Al Santoli, ed., Everything We Had: An Oral History of the Vietnam War by 33 American Soldiers Who Fought It
In my latest National Post column I mock the notion of a geopolitical lightweight like our Prime Minister putting himself forward as an elder statesman.
“during the International Year of Peace in 1986, a global commission of experts concluded that war was unnatural and humans themselves unwarlike! Unfortunately, innocent people get killed because of that kind of thinking. Many, especially in our universities, now are convinced that war always results from real, rather than perceived, grievances…”
Mackenzie Institute Newsletter April 2002
In my latest National Post column I say “This government doesn’t do hard” could become our new national motto as a vast cast of characters across the executive, legislative and judicial branches avoids thinking about difficult choices from COVID to national security and the budget.