In my latest Epoch Times column I say Canadian conservatives have to start winning arguments if they expect to start winning elections.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the bloated Trudeau cabinet full of ministers of diversity and communities and other such nonsense is no less ominous for being foolish.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say fixing Western alienation will require more than honeyed words from the Prime Minister lately pouring vinegar on the region. We need to recognize that the West is unhappy with excessive government that destroys wealth, and that it is right to be unhappy. If that viewpoint strikes you as reasonable, please join the Economic Education Association of Alberta in Red Deer on Nov. 15-16 for our biggest-ever “Freedom School”, on “Meeting the Challenge of Western Separatism”.
In my latest National Post column I say the real scandal in Quebec politics isn’t that too few female legislators are in the pocket of the executive, it’s that too many legislators of all kinds are.
Oh look, a Maclean’s columnist calls me a “sophomoric… absent-minded, AFD defending, climate change denying Carrot Top” for defending free speech.