In my latest National Post column I say nobody won the election and things won’t improve until the parties admit it and accept their share of the blame.
In my latest Epoch Times column I remember, with some difficulty, that even a really annoying and disappointing election is a victory every time we vote freely and without fear.
In my latest National Post column I call Erin O’Toole’s flipflop on gun control a test case of whether populism, as one way of making the electoral system more responsive to popular wishes, actually brings better or more honest policy.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say our constitution has deteriorated so far into populism that elections are no longer about issues, only who gets unchecked power until the next vote.
In my latest National Post column I express enthusiasm for freedom in Cuba… and Canada.
In my latest National Post column I say the strangest thing about the resignation of British health secretary Matt Hancock, for Canadians, is the concept of a minister being held accountable for a poor job performance.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the Trudeau administration’s attack on the rights of Parliament is no less dangerous for being the result of arrogant ignorance not clever conspiracy.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I condemn Doug Ford, and anyone who supports his restrictions on political advocacy spending, for praising free speech in theory while suppressing it in practice.