In my latest National Post column I warn that the robots are coming faster than you think and CGI and AI spell big trouble.
“when we scrape away the varnish of wealth, education, class, ethnic origin, parochial loyalties, we discover that however much we’ve changed the shape of man’s physical environment, man himself is still sinful, vain, greedy, ambitious, lustful, self-centered, unrepentant, and requiring of restraint.”
Barry Goldwater With No Apologies (though elsewhere in the book even he said new technologies and ideas might make the world way better in the 21st century)
In my latest National Post column I say that, whatever else one thinks of the social media platforms banning Trump, it shows conclusively that they are publishers not platforms, and should be treated accordingly under libel and antitrust law.
In my latest National Post column I say the puzzling inability even of many high-tech firms to provide a PDF version of the paper manual they put in the box suggests we’re struggling with the green digital economy of the 21st century.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the casual and inconsistent way governments keep shutting down our lives betrays their conceited conviction that we weren’t doing anything important anyway.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the government’s inability to produce a COVID vaccine is just one sign of a plague of public sector ineptitude driven by ignorance of economics, utopian expectations and mental softness on our part as well as theirs that is far more dangerous than the coronavirus.
In my latest National Post column I argue that the surge in opioid overdose deaths alone since March proves that in weighing the benefits of pandemic lockdowns, science and economics alike demand that we also count the very real human costs.
“human beings, that is... psychotic apes who want to kill so much that they could not even understand an unconditional prohibition against killing, much less obey it.”
Northrop Frye The Great Code