In my latest Epoch Times column I ask whether the shock of Russia invading Ukraine, and the mostly commendable Western response, will make Canadians and their governments more serious about defence spending and therefore about budgeting generally.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the real danger facing Canada isn’t tyranny but anarchy, with governments full of meddlesome ambition so lost in make-believe they freeze facing real-world problems.
“We cannot begin by forming independently a theory of how God is knowable and then seek to test it out or indeed to actualize it and fill it with material content. How God can be known must be determined from first to last by the way in which He actually is known.”
Thomas Torrance, quoted in John Polkinghorne The Faith of a Physicist
In my latest National Post column I ask how I, of all people, could be a lonely voice of balanced reason on the truckers’ protests.
“You cannot evade the issue of God, whether you talk about pigs or the binomial theory, you are still talking about Him. Now if Christianity be… a fragment of metaphysical nonsense invented by a few people, then, of course, defending it will simply mean talking that metaphysical nonsense over and over again. But if Christianity should happen to be true – that is to say, if its God is the real God of the universe – then defending it may mean talking about anything or everything. Things can be irrelevant to the proposition that Christianity is false, but nothing can be irrelevant to the proposition that Christianity is true.”
G.K. Chesterton in Daily News December 12, 1903 , quoted in Dale Ahlquist and Peter Floriani Chesterton University Student Handbook
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the freedom convoy has achieved all the good it could have, and more than it could reasonably have expected, and should withdraw in triumph rather than stay until something really does go wrong.
In my latest National Post column I say Trudeau’s mean-spirited, partisan remarks about the truckers’ convoy reflect a chronically divisive approach at a time when Canadians need a respectful exchange of ideas not a surly exchange of insults.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say there’s a silver lining to people noticing thanks to the pandemic that the Charter doesn’t protect us from overbearing government … but only if we decide to fix the problem, and the Constitution.