In my latest Epoch Times column I say the world tour for which our Prime Minister skipped Remembrance Day is, like everything he does, all about him.
“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
Winston Churchill again, and again from Jeff Hayden on Inc. online (
In my latest Loonie Politics column I urge all politicians to ponder, if their adversaries are as awful as they claim and they are so marvelous, why it is that voters do not elect them in a landslide at every opportunity.
“‘It was the nation,’ Churchill would afterwards demur, ‘that had the lion’s heart. I had the luck to be called upon to give the roar.’…. In addition to giving the lion voice, he allowed he might have ‘sometimes suggested to the lion the right place to use his claws.’”
Andrew Coyne in National Post September 19, 2001
In my latest Epoch Times column I recall and honour all including those who vanished in the long, unending fight for liberty and decency.
“Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”
Winston Churchill, quoted by Jeff Hayden on Inc. online (
In this mid-October Loonie Politics column (which I apparently forgot to post at the time, sorry) I argue that the huge list of caucus critics unveiled by Pierre Poilievre is absurd in an ominous way, reflecting and contributing to the absorption of the legislature by the executive.
“I guess the classic loser buck-me-up which John Diefenbaker used on every losing occasion is a quote from Sir Andrew Barton, an Elizabethan soldier: ‘…I am wounded but I am not slaine, I’ll lay me down and bleed awhile and then I’ll rise and fight againe.’ And he did.”
End of Val Sears column on the pain of political defeat in Ottawa Sun June 29, 2004