“Hatred is a dead end street, and I want to continue on down the road.”
Spiro Agnew Go Quietly... Or Else
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“Hatred is a dead end street, and I want to continue on down the road.”
Spiro Agnew Go Quietly... Or Else
“Have you something to do to-morrow; do it to-day.”
“Benjamin Franklin (Poor Richards Almanack, 1742)” as The Patriot Post Founders’ Quote Daily May 17, 2006
“A wholesome regard for the memory of great men of long ago is the best assurance to a people of a continuation of great men to come, who shall be able to instruct, to lead, and to inspire.”
Calvin Coolidge, quoted in National Review January 28, 2002
“Reader, did you ever hate? I hope not. I never did but once, and I trust I never shall again. Somebody has called it ‘the atmosphere of hell;’ and I believe it is so.”
Harriet Jacobs “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” in Henry Louis Gates, Jr. ed., The Classic Slave Narratives
“We mean business now, and we are determined to gain our rightful place in God’s world. We are saying that we are determined to be men. We are determined to be people. We are saying that we are God’s children. And that we don’t have to live like we are forced to live.”
Martin Luther King Jr.’s final speech, in Memphis, Tenn., April 3, 1968 [the day before he was assassinated] quoted by Jamil Jivani in National Post January 17, 2023
In my latest Epoch Times column I say efforts by House Republicans to replace their Speaker in the United States aren’t pretty, but at least there are principles involved… unlike what happened in Canada.
“I call these men [the Framers of the Constitution] heroes in deliberate defiance of the ban placed upon this word by most serious-minded historians. By hero I mean a leader of men who engages with clear eye and stout heart in an uncertain enterprise for some purpose larger than the gratification of his own ambition or the rewarding of his own friends, and whose deeds work a benevolent influence on the lives of countless other men.”
Clinton Rossiter The Grand Convention (and it was written in 1966 so this morale-destroying ban has been in place for a long time).
“‘His imperfections flowed from the contagion of the times: his virtues were his own.’“
Edward Gibbon on Belisarius, cited in George F. Kennan American Diplomacy 1900-1950