In my latest Epoch Times column I contemplate the painfully familiar task of finding comfort at Christmastime despite everything.
In my latest National Post column I warn that our flagrant double standard in policing protests will end in tragedy.
In Western Standard I present a review for the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy of Stephen Bown’s gripping Dominion: The Railway and the Rise of Canada, from colourful characters to poisonous whiskey to the crucial role of dynamite in building this nation and the West generally in the 19th century.
In my latest National Post column I lament widespread vicious persecution of Christians abroad, and the puzzling indifference to it here in Canada.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the Prime Minister did the right thing, unlike various mayors and others, by attending a menorah ceremony, and in these divided times it’s especially important to acknowledge when people for whom you have low expectations act properly.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the mercifully now reversed decision by Moncton city council to ditch their traditional Hanukkah acknowledgement (and a nativity scene) reflects a dangerously mistaken understanding of the place of religion in a free society.
“Have you something to do to-morrow; do it to-day.”
“Benjamin Franklin (Poor Richards Almanack, 1742)” as The Patriot Post Founders’ Quote Daily May 17, 2006
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the recent riots in Ireland are a warning sign about what happens when normal people feel that their core concerns are deliberately excluded from the political process.