In my latest Dorchester Review article I say Mark Carney would make our politics worse not better.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say efforts by House Republicans to replace their Speaker in the United States aren’t pretty, but at least there are principles involved… unlike what happened in Canada.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the decision to cut another billion dollars out of the Canadian military, and deny you’re doing it, is more proof that we are governed by profoundly unserious people.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say if a typical MP could not pass a pop quiz on World War II or almost any subject, and voters and journalists don’t notice, it’s way past time we stopped letting the state run our education system.
In my latest Epoch Times column I argue that trust is decaying fast in our society, because trustworthiness is succumbing to self-actualization, with dangerous consequences from politics to concerts.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I ask how people can continue to believe in the competence, wisdom and compassion of government when they have daily evidence of its inept and callous folly.
In my latest Loonie Politics column, I offer unsolicited advice from the dark side to the new Treasury Board President on how not to incur the wrath of Trudeau, and wish her luck because she’s going to need it.
“The commonplace axiom that the ‘devil is in the details’ is generally wrong. The more often correct axiom holds that the ‘terror is in the trends’.”
Colin S. Gray Canadians in a Dangerous World