In my latest Epoch Times column I ask that Santa Claus bring me a functioning Canadian military up north, and everywhere, because my government certainly doesn’t seem likely to provide one.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I note the extraordinary contrast between England’s Bad King John, at a crisis in his reign, ordering books of theology in Latin for guidance and modern politicians I doubt even read trendy airport paperbacks on policy in English.
In my latest Epoch Times column I said the scariest thing about the current debate over social programs is that there isn’t one. We tried 30 years ago, realized it was hard, gave up and spent our way to economic and social ruin.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I take up my dusty cudgel on the crucial point that our whole system of government crumples if the legislators we elect cannot control the executive we do not elect. It was true in the days of Bad King John and George III, and it’s true in those of Justin Trudeau.
In my latest National Post column I say the reason neither party can pull ahead in the American Presidential contest is that they’re both right about how awful their opponent is and dead wrong about how good their candidate is.
In my latest Epoch Times column I deplore politicians’ self-destructive fixation on what they claim they’re going to do instead of how they think they might be able to do it.
In my latest Epoch Times column I explain what is, and what is not, a “confidence” motion in a functioning Parliamentary system.
In my latest Epoch Times column I argue that to fix Canada’s nearly terminal military woes, we need to start from scratch conceptually by listing what we need and what it will cost, not try to get there incrementally from the mess we’re in while letting current budget practices and other practical difficulties stop us before we start.