In my latest Mercatornet column I say people are having trouble grasping the dynamics of the American election because they’re reluctant to face the truth that both Trump and Biden were terrible candidates, and Harris might be almost as bad.
In my latest National Post column I warn that because ideas have consequences, and a powerful internal logic, progressive organizations that start with apparently non-controversial causes tend to slide into radical craziness, as with Ottawa’s Capital Pride that’s being boycotted even by Justin Trudeau because it’s so pro-Hamas and can’t stop itself.
In my latest Epoch Times column I remind people of Milton Friedman’s key insight that the real burden of government is what it spends, not the various devices from taxation to borrowing to printing money that it uses to fund, and often conceal this scope of, its activities and ambitions.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the International Olympic Committee’s pseudo-apology for deliberately blaspheming the Last Supper was even more debauched than the initial performance.
In my latest Epoch Times column I deplore and ridicule calls for Israel not to “escalate” a conflict with Hezbollah that has seen the latter rain deadly munitions on Israelis for nine months in what is clearly already an act of war.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say if we want cleaner politics the starting point is to cultivate our own garden by refusing to tell a lie even indirectly by sitting silently when we hear one.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say Canada’s federal government increasingly reminds me of that 1928 classic imaginary hobo’s paradise.
In my latest National Post column I heap scorn on the federal Liberals’ ability to stuff us all into standardized human-stacking units and on their desire to.