Posts in Columns
It's the immigration... duh

In my latest Loonie Politics column I say ideas like digging a huge tunnel under the 401 to relieve traffic congestion by cramming in more cars, or more government funding for mortgages when houses are unaffordable, obtusely misses the point that if you let in half a million people a year you will overstrain everything from infrastructure to the housing industry to social cohesion.

In defence of ideology... except as an insult

In my latest Epoch Times column I say that an ideology, aka paradigm or worldview, is essential to coherent thought. So instead of the “I know you are but what am I?” spectacle of people trading cries of “ideologue” we should try to debate the reasons why we disagree about which evidence matters and what it says. And your goal should not be to avoid ideologies but to choose a sensible one.

I wouldn't start from here if I were DND

In my latest Epoch Times column I argue that to fix Canada’s nearly terminal military woes, we need to start from scratch conceptually by listing what we need and what it will cost, not try to get there incrementally from the mess we’re in while letting current budget practices and other practical difficulties stop us before we start.

We will DEI in the vacuum of space

In my latest National Post column I say the DND report on patriarchy invading the cosmos , while hilarious, reflects an pernicious ideology that destroys all productive enterprises from space exploration to defence procurement, and has wrecked governance in Canada.