In my latest National Post column I say Calgary’s current water problems are emblematic of how progressive politicians don’t just engage in zany symbolic antics, they wreck cities and countries in zany ways.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the trendy ritual elite “land acknowledgements” that Canada is an illegitimate settler-colonial land-stealing oppressive patriarchal nightmare are socially destructive, hypocritical and false.
In my latest Epoch Times column I complain that Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford subsidizing EV manufacturing in Canada are repeating very old economic mistakes in an unaffordable fog of smug ignorance.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I cite the tragic case of Ottawa’s Dow’s Lake to illustrate the way trendy modern urban “densification” theory is wrecking nature in the name of fighting climate change.
In my latest Epoch Times column I ask why even the politicians ferociously opposed to the carbon tax start by insisting that it’s necessary instead of challenging the pseudoscience behind global warming alarmism.
In my latest National Post column I ask people who hate Donald Trump why they can’t talk sensibly about important issues until he barges into the conversation.
In my latest Epoch Times column, I ask for empirical evidence to support Chrystia Freeland’s Davos claim that decarbonization means “more jobs, more growth, more manufacturing” and instead find evidence that she lives in a dream world where wishes are solid and facts are just mist.
Worried about trying to get rid of the appliances and other junk in her attic in these days of green disposal “I am now faced with taking them unspayed [that is, without the condensers etc. removed] to the landfill and finding out what it feels like to be rejected by a dump.”
Florence King in National Review May 3, 1999