Posts in Ideology
Words Worth Noting - July 13, 2023

“there is scarcely anything that could offend me in modern England which is not far more offensive in modern Germany. It is there that these things have had their real success; it is there that they will have their real failure. You may say that Germany leads the modern world. You may, if you like, say that Germany is the modern world. But, if that be so, what is called the modern world is, amid general rejoicings, coming to an end. With all its mirthless cynicism, with all its unmanly militarism, with its sham science and shifty diplomacy, with its excuses for the powerful and its routine for the poor, with its long words of explanation and its very short cuts in conduct, with all its care of the self, and all its carelessness of the soul, what some call the Modern Spirit is cast out of heaven like Lucifer, Son of the Morning. It is cut down to the earth, that did weaken the nations.”

G.K. Chesterton in Illustrated London News, September 9, 2016, quoted in “GKC on Scripture * Conducted by Peter Floriani” in Gilbert The Magazine of the Society of G.K. Chesterton Vol. 26 #1 (Sept.-Oct. 2022)

Words Worth Noting - May 31, 2023

“Why would a journal [The Lancet] committed to scientific rigor & medical ethics totally ignore the good reasons people have for stigmatizing untreated mental illness?/ Find out at my Substack!”

Tweet from Michael Shellenberger October 11, 2022 [] pointing to his piece “Dark Side of Destigmatization/ No human being should be stigmatized. But untreated mental illness and addiction are dangerous and destructive, and should be.”