In my latest National Post column I say the tricksy maneuvering over the U.S. debt ceiling, in which the one problem no one seems able address is chronic overspending, reminds me uncomfortably of late ancien régime France.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say our belated pro forma expulsion of one Chinese diplomat, then passively accepting their tit-for-tat, signals that we didn’t really mean it.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I suggest that China ceasing to be most populous nation on Earth is a more significant blow to the Politburo’s conviction that as the “Central Country” they naturally rule the world than many people realize.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say at their national convention the federal Liberals should have tried to sell themselves to the nation as older and wiser not conceited and reckless.
“the Palestinians have seemed, as in the last election, to show a preference for the evil of lessers.”
OpinionJournal July 28, 2006
In my latest Epoch Times column I note the eerie similarities between the stilted belligerence of totalitarian states attacking free societies from the outside and the woke attacking them from within.
“We do not consider this a credible explanation.”
The BBC when Chinese authorities detained, handcuffed and beat up one of their journalists “for his own good in case he caught Covid from the crowd” November 28, 2022 (
“My rule always was to do the business of the day in the day.”
The Duke of Wellington according to AZ Quotes [] [and yes, I’m on an Iron Duke binge because I’d long admired him but had no idea he’d uttered so many bon mots, if he’ll pardon my French].