Posts in International
Words Worth Noting - January 29, 2024

“Jean Chretien’s government wants the shade from the tree, but aren’t willing to do anything to keep that tree strong.”

Canadian Alliance MP Monte Solberg quoted in the National Post March 31, 2003 [the specific context was Solberg supporting the second Gulf War but it obviously applies far more broadly as well as chronically to politicians and the Canadian Armed Forces]

Words Worth Noting - January 15, 2024

“Here’s another one, in some ways summing it up, when we find in the first letter of John this very peculiar claim that God is love. I’ve said to you many times before, I think, that every religion, every philosophy of religion, would talk about the love that God has, that love is an attribute of God, that God loves some, or he loves as a typical activity or whatever. But there is no religion or philosophy that makes the truly strange claim that God is love, except Christianity.”

Bishop Robert Barron in an otherwise excellent sermon “To the Father, through the Son, in the Spirit - Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon” posted June 3, 2023 [] but for once I think he is wrong; I never heard that love is an attribute of God from the Aztecs, or even the ancient Greeks