Posts in Philosophy
Lackland Got Books

In my latest Loonie Politics column I note the extraordinary contrast between England’s Bad King John, at a crisis in his reign, ordering books of theology in Latin for guidance and modern politicians I doubt even read trendy airport paperbacks on policy in English.

Words Worth Noting - November 21, 2024

“Let the common man bend more of his attention, more at least than he is doing at present, to the preservation of some permanent reason for living, some permanent thing worth fighting for. Let him take care of his philosophy, and his civilization will take care of itself.”

G.K. Chesterton in Illustrated London News August 4, 2006, quoted in Dale Ahlquist and Peter Floriani Chesterton University Student Handbook

Words Worth Noting - November 17, 2024

“My dear friend, the late Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, was once accosted by a lady who complained that the synagogue service did not say what she meant. ‘Madam,’ said Heschel, ‘the idea is not that the service should say what we mean but that we should mean what the service says.’”

Fr. Richard John Neuhaus in response to a letter in First Things August-September 2004

Words Worth Noting - November 10, 2024

“Devil-worshipping Polish influencer ‘Satan’s doll’ charged with hacking parents to death with machete”

From Human Events March 4, 2024 and my “Who saw that one coming?” file []