Posts in Religion
Words Worth Noting - October 15, 2023

“‘It is wrong to proselytize among people who have a religious faith,’ says [UofT professor emeritus of comparative religion, William] Oxtoby. ‘No one has the moral right to tell someone they can’t find salvation without Christianity.’”

Maclean’s January 20, 2003 [And approvingly, of course, about an upsurge in violence against Christian missionaries, proving once again Ronald Knox’s jibe that studying comparative religion is the best way to become comparatively religious]

Words Worth Noting - October 8, 2023

“A South American idol was made as ugly as possible, as a Greek image was made as beautiful as possible. They were seeking the secret of power, by working backwards against their own nature and the nature of things. There was always a sort of yearning to carve at last, in gold or granite or the dark red timber of the forests, a face at which the sky itself would break like a cracked mirror.”

G.K. Chesterton in “The Demons and the Philosophers” in The Everlasting Man, quoted in Gilbert: The Magazine of the Society of G.K. Chesterton Vol. 25 #6 (July/August 2022)