“Malign Neglect: Pierre Trudeau and the Politics of Indifference”
The title of Chapter 4, in Jack Granatstein Who Killed the Canadian Military?
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“Malign Neglect: Pierre Trudeau and the Politics of Indifference”
The title of Chapter 4, in Jack Granatstein Who Killed the Canadian Military?
“The observation that it is difficult to portray a really good person in fiction is nothing new. But why do our contemporary novelists find it so difficult even to portray a person we wouldn’t mind meeting? Even when they try? There are exceptions. Not many. The appalling thought occurs to me that maybe they like their characters.”
J. Budziszewski “The Underground Thomist” April 17, 2023 [https://undergroundthomist.org/antipasto ]
“I was always taught to respect my elders, but it’s getting harder and harder to find one.”
Emailed by a friend July 1, 2023 with no further attribution; it is found in many places online and I do not know who invented it.
“Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud.”
Herman Hesse, quoted as standalone “WORDS OF WISDOM” without further attribution in Epoch Times email teaser August 9, 2023
In my latest National Post column I warn my posterity, and yours, why artificial intelligence is far and away the most dangerous and urgent problem they face.
“Here’s another one, in some ways summing it up, when we find in the first letter of John this very peculiar claim that God is love. I’ve said to you many times before, I think, that every religion, every philosophy of religion, would talk about the love that God has, that love is an attribute of God, that God loves some, or he loves as a typical activity or whatever. But there is no religion or philosophy that makes the truly strange claim that God is love, except Christianity.”
Bishop Robert Barron in an otherwise excellent sermon “To the Father, through the Son, in the Spirit - Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon” posted June 3, 2023 [https://youtu.be/Ey2A8bvUk8Y?t=212] but for once I think he is wrong; I never heard that love is an attribute of God from the Aztecs, or even the ancient Greeks
“On TikTok, one of the latest music trends is speeding up popular songs. And now, fans are demanding that artists comply with their expectations for speedy sounds.... Artists and labels are now leaning into the trend by releasing their own sped-up remixes of songs. The remixes will oftentimes see even more engagement than the original, according to the TikTok spokesperson.”
NBC November 22, 2023 [and filed in my notes under the heading “Patience? How long’s that gonna take?”
“Previous civilizations have degenerated. Previous ages have marched into the dark not knowing that they were marching into the dark. But in any previous time, were artists, scholars, and thinkers so eager to explain that degeneration was really progress?”
J. Budziszewski “The Underground Thomist” April 4, 2023 (https://www.undergroundthomist.org/antipasto)